Sunday, January 24, 2010

Some Good Scripts for 25-01-10

Amara raja Battarries
tata power
visaka industries
indian bank
vijaya bank
Gujarat Fluorochemicals
Hindhustan Zinc
Chabal fertilizers
godrej consumers
maruti udyog
Bharat forge
gujarat nreck

Analysis by P.Sudhakara Reddy

High Book Value Scripts

The following Scripts have good Book value and good PE ratio,,
So we can expect good returns from these..
gitanjali gems ltd
S Kumar Nationwide Ltd..
Alok Industries
amtech india ltd
tamilanadu petro products ltd
first leasing company of india
garden silk mills
Ind-swift Laboratories ltd
can fin homes LTd
uflex ltd
bajaj holdings & investment ltd
gujarat alkalies & chemicals Ltd
gujarat state fertilizers & chemicals Ltd
andhra sugars ltd
ajantha pharma
west coast paper mills
jindal poli films ltd
cosmo films ltd
oriental bank
vijaya bank
IOB(Indian Overseas BAnk)
uco bank
Aarti Industries
uco bank
3i infotech
Deepal Dertilizers and petro chemicals corp ltd
Gujarat mineral development corporation ltd.

Analysis by P.Sudhakara Reddy

The Origin of Binary Computation in India

With the advent of Binary numbers, Binary computation and their application to logical circuitry in Computers have focussed importance to the history of Binary Numbers and modern scholars have traced them to Pingala, the ancient Prosody expert of India. Indian Prosody is not just versification or speech-rhythms, but the complete technology of poetry with metrics, metre with syllables, syllables with sound, sound with vibration, vibration with desired effect and the effect useful to man and the rules made thereof. At one side, Indians have been accused of lack of historical sense, not having script, not keeping historical records, and so on, but at other side, some times, they are also praised. Here, the basis of Prosody and its connection with music and mathematics and the evolution of binary numbers thereof are analyzed based on the Chanda sutras. As chronology is the connected factor, it is also linked with the evolution of Indian thinking, thought processes, philosophy, mathematical methodology adopted behind such operations. The English translation of Anunduram Borooah (1850-1889) of Pingala Chanda Sutras (1877) is used in this paper, wherever quoted and adopted